Travelling with your Pet

Preparing for your pet s travel may be more complicated than yours. Regulations differ depending on the country of destination and the type of pet you have.

You need to be sure your pet s paperwork is done as early as possible before travelling.

Some countries have regulations that need several months of preparations including bloodworks and special vaccination.

Call our hospital to get more detailed information.


Here are a few things to consider if you plan on boarding your pet or have someone else care for them while you’re away:

Boarding facilities and pet sitters can provide excellent service looking after your furry loved ones while you are out of town. While we all hope things go smoothly while we’re away, accidents can happen. Despite your best intentions, the stress of your absence on your pets can lead to underlying diseases presenting themselves. In the event of an unexpected emergency, please ensure that clear instructions are left with your pet sitter or boarding facility so your pet will be cared for in a way you would expect in an urgent situation.

Things you can do to help your pet and pet-sitter in an unexpected emergency:

  • Leave definitive contact information, phone numbers and/or an e-mail address as well as an itinerary
  • If you are boarding your pet at a kennel, have a local contact person (friend, family member or neighbor) and let them know your wishes in the event of an illness or accident. The person you choose should be comfortable making potentially tough decisions in your absence
  • Talk with your family about your pets, and decide what you wish to do should an older pet become ill or their existing condition worsen. Also consider how far you wish to proceed financially…if the disease or illness is significant, veterinary bills can add up quickly

We hope your time away will be uneventful for your pets at home or in the care of others; however it never hurts to plan for the unexpected.