Welcome to the Specialty Department of the Animal House Hospital.

Just as you may be referred by your family doctor to a specialist, veterinary patients can also be referred to a veterinary specialist. A specialist does not replace your veterinarian. They work closely with your doctor to assess your pet’s condition and develop appropriate strategies for case management.

Specialization in veterinary medicine has matured to the point that pet owners can now have access to the same kind of medical expertise that we have available to us in human medicine.

Our specialists represent a broad cross section of veterinary specialties (both medical and surgical) which enables them to diagnose and treat a wide variety of small animal diseases. They enjoy working together in a collegial atmosphere to best serve you and your pet. With multiple specialists in the same building it enables them to consult with one another and draw from a wealth of expertise and experience to select the most appropriate case management strategy. They, and their whole staff, are committed to recognizing and integrating the human-animal bond in their management of your pet’s health concerns.

Our team is comprised of board certified specialists, in the areas of:

We also have a veterinarian with a special interest in dermatology.

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