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2000: Received his Veterinary Medecine diploma at “Universite Catholique de Louvain” in Belgium.
2002: Completed a one year intership in the intensive care ward of the Veterinary Hospital at “Cordoba University” in Spain.
2004: Obtained his doctorate in Vetnerinary Medecine at the “Universite de Liege” in Belgium.
2004: Completed a six month formation period in ophtamology, neurology as well as neurosurgery for domestic animals at Altavista Animal hospital in Ottawa, Canada.
2004: worked as a vet volunteer in “Bayview Humane Society”, animal shelter of Ottawa.
2006: Completed training in Orthopedics at perot Hospital in Lyon, France.
2007: Became official veterinarian for the lebanese Police Kennels.
He was part of “Veterinaires sans Frontieres” of belgium in the university departement.Within the Animal House team, Dr. Elias is in charge of ophthalmology treatments, general surgery and neurosurgery.