Animal House Hospital Doctors

1968: Received Veterinary Medecine diploma at the “Universite Catholique de Louvain”, in Belgium.
1972: Completed his doctorate in veterinary medecine at the “Universite Libre de Bruxelles”, Belgium.
1985: Completed a 1 year intership at Upsola Veterinary Faculty in Sweden, specializing in orthopedics and general surgrey techniques.

1972 to 1992: dorector of the vaccine department and research coordinator at “Institut de Recherches Agronomiques” in Fanar, Lebanon.
1982 to 1986:Professor in general biology in the Faculty of medecine in “Louvain University”, Baabda.
1990 to present : founder and chairman of the veterinary pharmaceutical group “Vetopharm”.
1998 to 2000: co-founder to the “Lebanese Veterinary Syndicate”, and served as treasurer.
He has also conducted a number of seminars and wrote several articles on small animal medecine and medecine of herds in Lebanon.

Animal House Hospital Team