In addition to assessing and treating any medical problems your pet may encounter, our general practice at both facilities offers preventive health care services for companion animals, including the services listed to the right.

We also work closely with pet-families to create a Customized Health Program that helps you to maintain your pet’s health and wellness through all stages of his or her life.

Preventive Health Care Services:

Vaccinations – protecting your pet against contagious diseases

General Physical Examinations- a thorough physical examination to ensure your pet is healthy

Wellness Testing – laboratory testing to assess your pet’s medical condition and detect any underlying diseases or conditions

Puppy/Kitten Health Visits – consultations covering common issues from health to behavior

Nutrition Consultations – analysis and recommendations of your pet’s diet to enhance overall health

Pet-Fit – programs designed to provide guidance to help overweight pets

Dental Health Consultations – from preventive care to treatment of dental diseases, including dental prophylaxis.

Seniors Program – our semi-annual checkup for senior pets

Parasite Control – protecting your pet from unwanted parasites that can be transmitted to them as well as to “human” family members